‘If God has blessed you, remember, those who don’t have anything, help them’- EZE C.C NWOKEDI.

‘If God has blessed you, remember, those who don’t have anything, help them’- EZE C.C NWOKEDI.

Eze Okpoko 1, Eze Ndi-Igbo Ijegun Ijeododo, the only digital EZE C.C NWOKEDI, spoke with some newsmen in his palace yesterday, 10th of June, 2022.

He declared that his role as a king  in the community is his service to humanity, his aim is to bring peace, development and harmony to his people and to serve them to the best of his ability.

The traditional ruler also added that as an Eze, his role in the community is to promote peace and harmony particularly in his immediate communities and address some of their concerns within his capacity.

HRH. Eze (Dr) C.C Nwokedi, Eze Okpoko 1 of Ijegu, Ijedodo communities in Ikotu area of Lagos state.

According to Eze Nwokedi, ” In order to make peace in the community I visited some areas in my territory having land disputes and I resolved the matter amicably’. I advised them not to prolong building, put on structure to safeguard the acquired land, either develop it or resell to avoid land grabbers claiming ownership of the land. This issue of land grabbing has been a major challenge especially in Lagos’.

HRH. Eze (Dr) C.C Nwokedi, Eze Okpoko 1 of Ijegu, Ijedodo communities in Ikotu area of Lagos state.

‘Already, there was a pending crisis within the Igbo speaking communities, which caused disagreement and disunity, there is need to unite the fractions to become one  in the state, as a man of peace, I am trying my best to resolved the issue, though am new in system, I have gathered important information to settle the crises, we all need to be  united as one body, living in peace and harmony.’

In the area of infrastructural development, he said, ‘I have been able to do my utmost best to develop the area, especially, on good roads, bore holes, drinking water, empowerment and i promise to work in collaboration with the royal King of Ijegun to build another health centre, though i helped some people having health challenges pay their medical bills, sometimes, I use my influence to get drugs for sick people.

Eze Nwokedi is a great philanthropist, was asked how has he been able to impact lives in his community, he stated “I have achieved a lot, impacted and transformed many lives, I extended my hand of love towards the widows, underprivileged, orphans, people living with disabilities. I empowered many with money to establish small scale businesses to help them have a better life.

His Royal Highness, also spoke on security measures in his community, he stated, ‘the community is peaceful, secured, we are  putting everything in place to bring sanity to the area, we have donated two patrol vehicles to the Police Division to respond to distress calls anytime’.

Although, we don’t have adequate number of Police operatives on ground, ‘I am pleading to the Nigeria Police Force to recruit more officers,
Provide adequate equipments, firearms and ammunition..

Even most of these policemen are assigned for VIPs, leaving behind the commoners.

Eze Nwokedi said, he is fully aware and prepared for the transitional activities, the forthcoming general elections ‘Am encouraging all and sundry to pray, go out and register, get your PVCs, come out and vote for the rightful candidate, a man God has anointed and chosen to take us to the promise land.

All the problems we are facing, God will bring lasting solutions, we have children, and elderly parents, we can’t leave them and run away.

Conclusively, His Royal Highness, C.C  Nwokedi also, I will advised all the Ezes  in general to visit police cells occasionally, to facilitate release of those with minor cases.

Some are in prison simply because they are financially incapacitated, unable to pay their debts, while some do not have guarantors. He added” It is important to note that If God has blessed you, remember, those who don’t have anything, help them’.

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